EPUB & PDF Witchbringer (Astra Militarum #3) | EBOOK OR PDF ONLINE DOWNLOAD
by Steven B. Fischer
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An Astra Militarum NovelOnce a Cadian captain, Glavia Aerand's psychic talents see her pressed into service in a new role, to fight and die as a sanctioned psyker.READ IT BECAUSEThis story offers a rare glimpse into the mysterious process of becoming a sanctioned psyker in the service of the Golden Throne, and you'll learn what that means for those who are found strong enough to serve.THE STORYSuffer not the witch to live, unless by their service they might earn redemption. This is the creed of the Scholastica Psykana, a brutal foundry in which those with psychic power might be taught to serve. On the eve of her sanctioning as a primaris psyker within these very halls, Glavia Aerand, former captain of the Cadian 900th Regiment, receives a startling premonition ? one concerning her old unit, and a dangerous psychic artefact hidden on the planet where they are deployed.After a reunion she never expected ? or wanted ? Aerand finds herself mired in a vicious campaign on the psychically